June 22nd, 2012 → 4:09 pm by Robert Kingston
Thanks to a smart Finn called Mikael Thuneberg, I’ve managed to whip up a quick and dirty little Google Docs template which builds these Google Analytics heatmaps in seconds (much easier and faster than the old method): How it works Basically Mikael Thuneberg developed some JavaScripts that pull GA data from the GA API into Google [...]
March 14th, 2012 → 10:29 pm by Robert Kingston
Web analytics tools often only give you a limited understanding of your visitors. So when I recently ran a trial of Ethnio on my site to recruit people like you to interview, I was amazed with how much insight I gained. What is Ethnio? It’s a service that uses your website to recruit users for research [...]
December 19th, 2011 → 8:00 pm by Robert Kingston
If you’ve looked closely enough at my site, you may have noticed the new section to the side - tools and tweaks. To date, I have built a calculator for graphing and measuring statistical confidence on your tests (alongside the feedback tool and GA content targeting script). It’s the first of its kind to graph [...]
August 23rd, 2011 → 4:45 pm by Robert Kingston
Update: There is a new and faster way of doing this through Google Docs. Plus GA broke my custom reports … Last week, Tim Leighton-Boyce shared a post about day-of-the-week reporting in Google Analytics V5. It reminded me of a cool little visualization Core Metrics uses to illustrate the best converting hour and day of [...]
August 8th, 2011 → 5:00 pm by Robert Kingston
One of the lesser known features of Google Analytics is that you can use it to target offers and content through JavaScript - much like the features of BTBuckets and many split testing software providers. Unlike these providers however, using Google Analytics can be a cleaner, tidier way that has less of an impact on [...]
July 19th, 2011 → 7:13 pm by Robert Kingston
Feedback is probably the best tool anyone can use to improve their website and guide conversion optimisation camapigns. Since Kampyle is a little on the expensive side for most blog owners, I built a little alternative for anyone looking for a great free option that also integrates with Google Analytics. Features Attention grabbing pop-out (useful [...]
June 6th, 2011 → 7:30 pm by Robert Kingston
Before we get to it, I’d first like to apologise to my subscribers who are receiving this twice. Last week, I accidentally published an unfinished copy of the post from my phone. Yes, I’m embarrassed and yes, I plan to make it up to you… Let’s get into the post! As I’ve written before, unique [...]
May 23rd, 2011 → 7:39 pm by Robert Kingston
Update: Just updated the code to detect if it’s on the page, in case you’re not running a sitewide test. I’ve been setting up some crazy-complex experiment on my blog recently and I figured I would simplify things by using Yoast’s Google Analytics for WordPress plugin. This is such a well built plugin but my [...]
May 3rd, 2011 → 10:00 pm by Robert Kingston
Update 24/11/2011: Now you don’t need to make the code updates for Site Speed Tracking - it is all controlled simply through _trackPageview(). In fact, now you can also control the sampling rate of site speed by calling _setSiteSpeedSampleRate() before the call to _trackPageview(). See the tracking reference here. I’m not sure why, but I [...]
March 23rd, 2011 → 7:00 am by Robert Kingston
Ideas are powerful - you don’t need to watch Inception to know that, either. Results released by Microsoft, Amazon and App Sumo indicate most of their ideas to improve their websites have failed to improve the metrics they were designed to lift. Here are the results: Amazon - 50% of experiments fail to show improvement Microsoft [...]