Here is a bunch of tools and downloads that I have developed over the years.
Content targeting in Google Analytics
Did you know you can target offers and content at visitors using Google Analytics? By using custom variables, you can do it. The link above will generate the code you need to do this, but I highly recommend reading my ‘How-to’ post on Google Analytics content targeting.
Continue to my GA content targeting wizard.
Graphing A/B split test calculator
Quickly calculate which page, ad, email, offer or whatever you’re testing has a statistically significant winner (or loser). This calculator also produces a nice little box chart of the result.
Continue to the split testing significance calculator.
Feedback form that integrates with Google Analytics
A dead simple form that pops up in the right hand side of the screen - used to gather visitor ratings and feedback. Ratings and IDs are fed directly into Google Analytics.
Download my feedback form script here.
If you have any ideas for handy scripts or tools, please use my feedback form or contact me directly. I’d like to continue building out a range of tools for people to use.
Thanks, enjoy!